Scientific and Technical Complex
The Science and Technology Complex (STC) is one of the most important complexes of the company. It has a high level intellectual potential enabling to realize the most ambitious technical tasks (TT) and projects. The complex provides a complete cycle of LRE and components development: beginning from issuing the technical task for designing up to issuing the corresponding design documentation (DD) for manufacturing, and supporting the mastering of new product manufacturing.
The STC has a high-qualified staff including PhDs and professors providing the following activities:
- R&D, Design and Experimental works, LRE and power unit development under TT of head customers;
- author’s supervision and engineering support of serial production;
- participation in launch vehicle (LV) pre-flight activities and in regular launches with payloads;
- designing the high-tech samples using PLМ-systems (Product Life Management);
- quality improvement and reliability maintenance of LREs of in-company design.
For the past years, the STC specialists have designed and developed over 60 LREs for various liquid propellants and various rocket applications. Half of them were put in serial production in different years that has provided the country with a number of operable rocket complexes.
High level of the STC developments is proved by the advanced engineering solutions and record characteristics of the LREs designed. The post-soviet period of the STC was marked by the following innovations:
- development of the RD0124 engine with maximum Isp among all LOX/Kerosene engines in the world;
- development of tri-propellant rocket engine on base of the RD0120 engine of “Energia” LV;
- design and final development of the 58L scramjet that provided 6.47 М speed in atmosphere;
- design of the first in the country, LOX/LH2 LREs of expander cycle;
- design and successful on-ground firing of the first in the world LRE with annular combustion chamber with a slot throat and expansion-deflection nozzle;
- transformation of LREs of serial production from toxic propellants to green ones;
- development of new LREs using “LOX/LNG” and “LOX/LH2”;
- development and testing of combustion chamber (CC) with a throat adjusted in the process of operation;
- development and testing of CC with mixture ratio adjusted in a wide range in the process of operation;
- development and building of propellant laser ignition,
and other advanced rocket building directions.
Nowadays, the key tasks of the STC are:
- an engineering support of RD0110 LRE serial production and operation in conditions of the third stage of “Soyuz” LV;
- an engineering support of LRE serial production and operation in conditions of the second and the third stages of “Proton-М” LV;
- an engineering support of RD0124 LRE serial production and operation in conditions of upper stages of “Soyuz-2.1б”, “Soyuz-STB”, “Soyuz-2.1в” LVs;
- participation in RD0124A LRE flight tests in conditions of upper stages of “Angara” LV;
- RD0110R LRE operation in conditions of the first stage of “Soyuz-2.1в” LV;
- further modification and upgrading of RD0124 and RD0124А LREs;
- development of LOX-Kerosene RD0124MS LRE for “Soyuz-5” LV;
- development of LOX–LH2 RD0146D-1 LRE for heavy-class upper stage of “Angara-А5V” LV;
- development of LOX–LH2 RD0150 LRE for advanced launch vehicles including super-heavy-class LVs;
- development of RD0177 М and RD0169V-1 LREs using liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a fuel;
- development of electrical rocket engines and other large projects.